Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Exchange Student Assignments 2011

1. You will be expected to continue with your visual journal, creating one entry (of one hour) each week. Please strive to use as many different materials as possible, including pencil, chalk pastel, oil pastel, conte, charcoal, etc. PLEASE USE INSPIRATION FROM YOUR TIME ABROAD! Think about capturing local architecture, your feelings about being away from home, food, interesting cultural objects found inside your host home, etc. Please photograph your pages and send four pages on the first Friday of every month by email (sgeorge@bgcdsb.org) If I don’t reply back to you within 24 hours, this means that I didn’t get the email- I’ve had some trouble with the school account on occasion.

2. Please complete the Handscape assignment. Due Friday, February 18th, 2011.

3. Please complete the wrapped animal assignment. You may do this using your sketchbook paper. One full page please. Due Friday, March 4th, 2011.

4. Please complete the Photography/Text assignment. You will need a digital camera and Photoshop to complete this. In this assignment, please make sure that the lyrics reflect a band from your host country, and that the photographs reflect your experience as an exchange student.  If you cannot find Photoshop anywhere, you may use Gimp, found free on the internet from Google. Gimp takes some getting used to, so make sure that you check it out early enough. Due Friday March 18th, 2011.

5. Please take forty artistic photographs that explain your new HOME LIFE in your host country (ex. Cultural objects in the home, unique furniture, new routines that you weren’t used to before). Remember to get close to objects, get down on the object’s level, and make everything off centre. The photographs should be in black and white, and use no flash. From the forty photos, please select five that look the best and also relate to each other (ex. They all have some form of wood in them, they all lots of different patterns throughout). Please edit your photos for the proper contrast. Due Friday, April 1, 2011.

6. Please complete a watercolour painting based on a landscape found in your host country. Remember to include highlights, midtones, and darks. Please tape your paper down on a table or piece of wood before you paint to avoid making the paper wavy and bumpy. You may want to practice your technique (learned with gauche) a few times on scrap pieces of watercolour paper before attempting your good copy. Due Friday, April 15th, 2011.

7. Please complete one full page conte drawing of a subject of your choice. Due Thursday, April 21st, 2011.

Please send pictures of all work in jpeg format on or before the due dates to Mrs.George-Easton.
Please ensure that Mrs. George-Easton has responded that your emails are getting to her- no response= work not received= 0 on your report cards.

Have a FABULOUS experience and live every moment!  Mrs. George-Easton

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